This week was pretty busy as the report was due by the end of the week.
An issue regarding the touchscreen used for testing meant that the CAD drawings needed to be reformated. Specifically we need to change the screen from 7" to 5" and change to a screen that is HDMI and not DSI. We also changed to a smalled touchscreen to provide an easier way for it to fit within the guitar and shy away from the hinged design previously proposed. The following are the CAD drawings presented on the report:
I also modified the code of the Distortion effect to show the parameters altered by the different sliders:
I created a video for reference to show the effects seeked to be recreated by the project. The video can be accessed using the following link:
The effects on the video were created by recording a clean sample of the guitar playing the C Major Scale, afterwards the effects were applied using an existing VST effects library called Amplitube 5.
I also worked extensively on the report to provide the appropriate formating, page numbers, labels and references. Revised multiple times the report and fixed some continuity errors found within it. Report was wrapped up and submitted on November 24th at 5 PM.