For the success and efficient completion of the project the desired framework to use for the effects (Spotify PedalBoard) needed to be tested. I was able to load the example codes provided by the PedalBoard Documentation to run initial tests. The Framework provided good effect quality when passed through an audio interface and my computer. One noticeable downside of using this framework was the amount of latency that it produces on the audio output, even when passing the signal clean (without effects). My first theory was that the buffer size used for the audio input was high, since that is the main source of latency with audio processing. I also noticed that the AudioStream Object will not take an input buffer size lower than the sample rate divided by 100. Latency is the number samples per second (buffer size) and the sample rate, meaning that the least amount of delay from the framework would always be 441/44100=10ms.
In practice this doesn't account for the amount of latency actually experienced from the device. I noticed this because I tried using a separate digital audio interface to see how would the delay experience feels according to the latency, even 21ms of latency felt good enough for playing experience. Therefore my deduction is that sample rate and buffer size are not affecting the latency experienced.
My further testing going forward will be checking if the interface and the operating system are the ones causing the delay.
Aside for the testing involving latency, I was also researching on further ways to achieve the desired project using a different method other than pedalboard, in that pedalboard does not become a viable option for it. Upon asking people with some experience in the industry of digital effects, I found out that a lot of them work with Matlab and C to simulate circuits that create the effects. Further research will be on if this is a viable solution to replace the PedalBoard solution. This solution is not as straightforward as creating effects one by one from scratch can be a very time consuming task so further discussion needs to be made on this topic.